Whether you're in need of repairs to an existing roof, or seeking a roofer who can properly restore the roof of your vintage or historic building, we'll ensure a perfect job from start to finish.

Inspections & Moisture Surveys

Leaks are to roofs what hairline cracks are to dams; they may sustain for some time, but sooner or later the laws of physics simply take over. Properly conducted roof inspections are among the most important aspects in preventing more expensive roof repairs or replacements. Matt Sharp Construction has been conducting residential roof inspections and commercial roof surveys for over 16 years, to quickly identify minor problems before they become major.

  • Affordable roof inspections service for homes and businesses
  • We use infrared technology to detect tiny cracks and leaks
  • A smart preventative measure to help ensure a strong, reliable roof
  • Roof inspections are personally conducted by Matt Sharp for accuracy
  • Identify damage and cracks that are not visible to the naked eye
  • Can help you save thousands in more costly roofing repairs

When Was Your Last Roof Inspection?

Have you had a roof inspection since you moved into your home or commercial building? Depending on how long you've been there, it's something you might wish to consider soon. Most major roofing problems start as minor issues that are easily corrected if detected early in their formation.

Call us today at 585-309-3086 to find out how affordable it can be to repair or replace your roof. We can also be reached using our secure online form